About DYM

We’re on a Mission to Save Countless lives

Why We are Here

Save countless lives by preventing alcohol-impaired driving on the roads;

I lost my cousin, Yaara Meir, in a terrible car accident on her way home during military service.
She was killed because a driver of another vehicle that didn't think or cared about the consequences while he got behind the wheel.

Following that event, I realized that we need to do more to fight the HUMAN factor of road accidents. I’ve made my main purpose to develop a system that eliminates human judgment in the self-competence assessment of driving conditions, in order to reduce fatalities in car accidents.

Following our intensive scientific research, we found a non-invasive way to indicate the Blood-Alcohol level in the driver’s body. Our vision is to increase awareness of each and every driver to their ability to drive in real-time.

Dor Heller Zarbel,

CEO & Co-Founder of DYM
Electrical & Electronic Engineer

Multidisciplinary Team

Dor Heller

Co-Founder, CEO

Eyal Meron

Co-Founder, VP R&D

Rahav Raviv

Head of HW

Ran Ashkenazi

SW & Algorithm Engineer

Eran Adato

Electro-Optics Expert

Rachel Maloul

Regulatory & Clinical Expert

PhD. Micha Feigin

Algorithm specialist

PhD. Ehud Hahamy

Algorithm specialist

Avraham Haskin

FW & HW Engineer

Ido Carmi

Algorithm specialist

PhD. Hanoch Kislev

Electro-Optics Designer

Ron Salpeter

Business Development Asia

Our Board

Yoni Heilbronn

Board Member - DYM

Former CMO - Argus Cyber Security

Ronen Smoly

Advisor - DYM

CEO - Argus Cyber Security

Nat Beuse

US Mobility Safety expert - DYM

VP of Safety - Aurora

Avi Zeno

Investor - DYM

CEO - ADI Systems

Liav Ben Rubi

Advisor - DYM

CEO - Quantum Hub

Itzik Elkayam

Board Member Finance - DYM

CFO - ADI Systems

Let's Connect

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Contact Information

+972 - 508818421


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